All my previous students and work got allocated to different tutors so work is very slow, but thank god I have the agencies. I’ve only been back 10 days but it feels so long without my kids, it has been so difficult I even got my first letter from Gagan and few days ago, what a little beauty
she is – giving the bollywood dialogues about trying to live without me and she cant cope without me… kids LOL!!!!
Her words took me back in the moment of her head on my lap whilst I was reading my books, teaching her to mail, putting oil in her hair - I first got there her hair felt like straw very rough and dry it was so funni I used half a bottle of baby oil and her uniform had a huge oil stain when she got back from school the following day, then she looked me straight in the eyes and said:
“Didi you know for the 1st time in my life I know what its like to have a mother, you have given me so much love I LOVE YOU”I too know the true meaning of unconditional love and being a mother to many…
It’s been fantastic being surrounded by kids with special needs, in a school with structure – but I remember my own kids more and how different the education system is here. I’ve been thinking about setting up projects and placements in Pingalwara with student and the younger generation from the USA and UK, think the younger lot need to realise how fortunate and blessed they - Nowadays (sound like an old bat) well kids take everything for granted. After everything I witnessed they should thank god for a loving home and loving parents and everything else is a MASSIVE BONUS ..It truly is!
I’m still awaiting for direction on every aspect of my life, its feels that acceptance and patience are the qualities God has me practicing at the moment which is really hard to swallow. Thank god for brothers they been helping me out big time, I’ve noticed when god wishes to teach you a thing or two he will also give you the tools to utilize to help you along the way, so as much as its been tough its also been a time of reflection and an opportunity to accept my current predicament.
I’m turning 30 on the 24th before I left, me and the girls had discussed going to celebrate in Europe somewhere, my good school mate sarb also turned 30 in December, so she wanted to do something too… My heart however is going back to India, my mums making plans to meet with her brother from Canada so YES you’ve guessed I am going to meet my babies… I cant wait and it give me something to hold on to, its gonna be brilliant and the best part if I’m not telling them at all!
I’ve also been in touch with all my friends and Biji, they are my extended family, I cannot believe how people can love and embrace you like they’ve known you all you life.
What beauty ... BEAUTY in its truest form