Friday, 19 December 2008

Life In India...

I’m sitting in crystal restaurant (my new hang joint) sneezing away, I would not have had a chance to write about the last couple of weeks - so it’s thanks to my mate Preeti who had to go home I’m able to write a update.

Preeti is a friend from Africa and we’ve been chilling out nearly everyday – she stopped the night too which was real cool and the kids were teaching her the alphabet in sign language it was so sweet to watch. She has come for her Mama’s (mums Brother) sons wedding which I too have been invited on the 26th speaking of weddings also went to Navneet’s Massi (mums sisters) daughters wedding, Indian weddings are mad – they start late and end even later and Indians will always be Indians so so funny! You know they don’t let the girls dance here, wow if someone told me I could not dance at my brothers wedding me, my sister in law and mates would tell them where to go lol! We danced for 5 days solid it was crazy! Wow… thinking about the wedding, family and friends seems such a distant memory. Yea I know I’ll be with them in exactly 15 days but I have found the true meaning of life - TO SERVE OTHERS!

To become one with the person who gives you breath – that’s the true essence of the soul!

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