Wednesday, 13 August 2008

The reasons for this BLOG...

There are many questions that have been asked both by the media and people in India to why I am here. I would like to make very clear that my purpose for this sewa is not for praise nor is it about the ego, there are many other people in this world who are far greater, humble and deserving of credit. So I take none for what has been written in my fate and what I to come, I have been blessed with my fathers wisdom so conversing with people of age is due to my father otherwise having such knowledge at my age is unheard of unless one has been blessed by kindled spirits.

The reasons for this blog is simple, if one person just one person can have inspiration and then follow their dreams then this blog has achieved its purpose. My life is about giving light and spreading the action of love… not by mere words but by living by the principles I have been brought up with. If I wanted fame and money my family would have married me into the rich families who promised would never have to work for the rest of my life or maybe even taken up opportunities that came knocking on my door again materialistically based… but this was not my path!

The children here are thirsty for love and if I can try and quench it for a little while then why not… why not bring smiles to their face and twinkle in their eyes…

Cute Little Chetan

There is no need for me to say anymore I think the photos below speak a thousand words and show the reasons why I am here…

Sona and Mona Conjoined Twins

Beautiful Tanu and Simran


Unknown said...

This is a truly inspiring read...Keep up the blogging. What is your daily routine like?

Anne Shalom said...

It is interesting to think about our purpose in life, what you are doing may be seen by some as humble work but really it is the highest calling.

Parvati said...

Your words inspire me, and you are there because you are to be there. No other explanation is needed!
I met little Chetan, and the twins Sona and Mona this past May at Pingalwara. I was given an unpainted little ceramic statue by a young boy who is mentally challenged. It was a gift of pure love from this young man and it is my most prized possession. He simply wanted to give me a gift.
Pingalwara is a place that pulls the soul like a magnet. I cannot stop thinking about it and praying for you, and for everyone there.
I am planning a large yard sale with my friends to raise funds for Pingalwara.
My heart is there with you, dear, and with your kids. Tell little Pooja that she has another Deedee far away over the ocean who sends her prayers each night.
Keep it up, Mandeep!!!! I hope that the weather behaves for you!
Guru Fateh!
Enid, Oklahoma, USA

Manni Kaur Dulai said...

awwww Thank you so much for your kind words...

Parvati it is so bizarre for some reason I was thinking about you earlier today! and then your comment popped up! hmmmm will most definately pass your love and heartfelt wishes to Pooja she will be most touched!

The kids are truly amazing and give me and others so much joy!

Looking forward to taking them to see the world outside Pingalwara...

Manni Kaur Dulai said...

how funni ...

the expression on little pooja's face as i give the message from Parvati ... her innocent mind boggles how parvati knows her...after a 10 minute explanati on abot how the blogs works and how the connecton wth an american deedee.

She smiles and says than q... and said "i now have 4"

Truly Priceless